The best gym in Tel Aviv?

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Well, everyone has their own favorite and recommendation for those looking for the best gym in Tel Aviv, but we have a tip for those of you looking for something really good, but also suitable for those who do not have a lot of time to spend on working out at a gym, and that is this new place we just discovered, called Fit and Slim. Fit and Slim is a small and intimate gym, located on 34 Basel St., in the heart of Tel Aviv, offering its clientele close and personal fitted training, which specializes in two very unique fitness programs. so unique in fact, that we are not sure you will be able to find similar programs in the entire country! One of Fit and Slim's specialty programs is the Aqua bike, which is just as cool as it sounds - you change into your swimming suit and together with a small group of up to 6 people and a trainer, get into a pool containing special "water rider" stationary bicycles, and for the next 45 minutes you have a chance to enjoy an underwater spinning-style training session! The trainer, Yoni, has been very friendly and professional, explaining patiently about the training program and its many advantages (water training works on your entire body, is easier on the joints, can be used for rehabilitation purposes, etc.).The experience has been amazing - a true combination of fun and workout, which we will definitely be looking forward to enjoy again real soon! Fit and Slim's other unique training program is a special type of treadmill machine called "Silhouette Plus".Basically, the way it works is that you get on the machine with your legs and mid-section being "closed off" and a vacuum effect starts up putting various levels of pressure on your body during a 30 minute training session, which works mainly on your legs, backside and stomach muscles.Despite it being walking and not jogging, some of the levels can be quite difficult and intensive, leaving you tired but also very satisfied when you're done.   We were also given a chance to speak with Regis - the gym's owner and manager, as well as with Yoni - the head trainer, which had been very hospitable and have kindly answered all our questions and given us every bit of relevant information about the gym.We've learnt that the gym is the exclusive operator of the "Silhouette Plus" training program in Israel, as well as the first to operate the Aqua bike program in Tel Aviv. Besides Slim and Fit's special fitness programs, another important advantage (especially for tourists visiting Tel Aviv), is that in contrary to many other gyms in Tel Aviv, Fit and Slims offers one time entries to the gym and access to its programs, and not only a monthly/annual payment plan. So, to sum up, perhaps we can't say with certainty that Fit and Slim is the absolute best gym in Tel Aviv, but its special programs, along with its intimate atmosphere and caring and accommodating staff, definitely make it a gym well worth visiting! For more information about Fit and Slim and its training programs, feel free to visit the gym's direct website.

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