Most big cities have a luxury shopping area, and Tel Aviv is no exception. Those into designer gear can find them all over town of course, but if you are really looking to splurge, Kikar Ha Medina is one of the best places to go, because you will find so many nice stores in one single place. Chanel, Lanvin, Ralph Lauren and Louis Vuitton are just a few of the stores you will find here, and most of them are nicely stocked. Kikar Ha Medina is actually not a street, but a circle, since the area is located around a large park, that is surrounded by a traffic circle, in the northern parts of central Tel Aviv, so if you do decide to walk around here, you will indeed be walking in a circle. If you should get tired during your shopping excursion, there are plenty of nice coffee shops on Kikar Ha Medina as well, and you will also find some stores selling excellent meats, cheeses and baked goods in the area. Personally, we think people watching is almost as fun as shopping itself on Kikar Ha Medina, since a lot of the clientele is dressed in amazing things, something you don't really see that much elsewhere in Tel Aviv, where most people dress in a more laid back way. So make sure you are not in a rush, and dress up if you can in order to fit in better. For those of you interested in reading more about Kikar Ha Medina, we noticed that Haaretz recently ran a story on this upscale shopping area. You can read their piece on it here.