Finding your way in Tel Aviv – A word on street signs in Tel Aviv

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Tel Aviv Tips > Tel Aviv Tips > Finding your way in Tel Aviv – A word on street signs in Tel Aviv

Traveling to a country where another alphabet than the one you is used to can seem a bit scary (we've been to China, so we know what we are talking about!), but if not being able to read street signs worries you when you are planning a trip to Tel Aviv, you should know that most street signs, and definitely all street signs on major roads in the city actually have the name of the street or place on them in both Hebrew, Arabic and Latin (or English, if there is a need for a longer explanation for some reason). People who read Arabic often complain that the Arabic parts are not completely correct, and there are some funny street signs if you just look at the English parts, too, but for the most part, we find the English names and instructions on street signs to be correct and understandable. This obviously makes it much easier to get around the city on your own, as a non-Hebrew speaker, so with this post, we mainly want to reassure anyone in this position that there really is no need to worry should you not read Hebrew. Most tourists who visit the city actually don't, and the manage just fine anyway!

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